You are unique. And your challenges are unique. Whether you’re: a new parent, an artist, moving countries, an entrepreneur, a church planter, in a life transition, a woman in leadership, taking a Sabbatical - the list goes on…

We’ve got a coach for you!

Clarify your goals and priorities

Increase follow-through

Develop new skills

Capitalize on your strengths

Overcome weaknesses

Develop empowering habits and rituals

Clarify your goals and priorities • Increase follow-through • Develop new skills • Capitalize on your strengths • Overcome weaknesses • Develop empowering habits and rituals •

Bethany Labue

Areas of Focus: Church Planters, Ministry Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Transitions, Personal Development, Leadership Development, Holistic Wellbeing

Location: North America (Mountain Time)

Languages: English

  • More About Me: With over 15 years of life coaching experience, I am here to empower you to increase your impact, achieve your goals, and grow in the process. I thrive on offering meaningful support, helping you uncover strengths, recognize blind spots, and develop actionable strategies for success. My journey spans diverse leadership roles in a global non-profit since 2004, supplemented by an MA in Christian Education and certification as a Professional Fitness Instructor, showcasing my passion for fostering holistic well-being.

    My Coaching Philosophy: I am dedicated to supporting my clients in discovering and living out their best possible lives. I'm committed to assisting you in achieving tailored outcomes that align with your aspirations. Whether it's improving relationships, mastering stress, or shattering limiting beliefs, I'll journey with you step-by-step.

    Check out my website here.

William Whittenberg

Areas of Focus: church planting

Location: Berlin (CEST)

Languages: English and German

  • About me: After over 20 years of church-planting in different teams and contexts, I wish I had had good coaching. I wish the teams I was on had had good coaching. I want to be the coach that I wish I had had when I started in missions way back then.

    I wish I had had a coach to:

    Help me understand context and how to apply the Gospel

    Help me to be confident in my calling and gifting

    Help me understand how I measure success

    My Coaching Philosophy: As a coach, I see my role as being first a listener and observer, then as one who helps you explore your calling and context, and how your strengths and giftings (and those of your team) can have the most impact for God’s mission.

    Other than coaching church-planters in and out of our Communitas community, I am a musician and missional bartender based in Berlin, Germany.

Jon Ritner

Areas of Focus: Organizational Change Management, Entreprenuers and Pioneers, Fatherhood and Marriage,

Location: North America (Pacific Time)

Languages: English

  • More About Me: I've spent over 20 years working in the non-profit world helping small and large communities discover how to serve their local cities and meet the most pressing needs around them. I have 10,000+ hours of one-on-one and small group sessions helping people seeking to transform into their best selves for the sake of the world. I have a Bachelor of Science in Education from William and Mary and a Master's Degree in Theology from Trinity Divinity School. I've felt at home in New York, Williamsburg, VA, Chicago, Brussels, Belgium, and now in Los Angeles. My wife, Kristyn, and I celebrated 20 years of marriage in 2022 and we have two teenage children, Addy, and Jackson.

    I am in the process of gaining my ACC Certification as a Professional Coach with the ICF (International Coaching Federation).

    My Coaching Philosophy: I focus on helping clients find meaning and purpose in their life by exploring their deepest values, beliefs, and motivations. I push my clients to question their assumptions and potential limiting beliefs in order to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and live more in line with their calling and purpose.

    Coaching Style: I seek to provide high support and high challenge in my sessions. I am a curious listener, empathetic, and solution focused, guiding my clients to identify their goals, strengths, and resources, and to focus on positive outcomes.

    Visit my website here.

Greg Ellis

Areas of Focus: Honing established leaders, Assessments (Clifton Strengths & Leadership Grip), Church leaders and teams, Church Planters, coaching toward greater health and vitality.

Location: North America (Central Time)

Languages: English and Spanish

  • More About Me: I’m Greg Ellis, a coach, entrepreneur, teacher, speaker, and pastor passionate about helping people live life to the fullest. With my extensive experience in education, the service industry, non-profits and churches, I help individuals, groups, and teams discover their full potential and achieve their goals. Through my coaching, I aim to help leaders feel fulfilled, serve from a place of abundance, and be excited to go to work every day. I earned a B.A. from Bethel University and an M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, ordained in the Evangelical Covenant Church, and am ACC certified by the International Coaching Federation and Missional Formation Coaching. I currently live in Savage, Minnesota, with my wife, Kari.

    My Coaching Philosophy: I believe that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and meaningful life — life to the full! But sometimes, we get stuck or feel lost along the way. As a coach, my role is to help you navigate those moments and discover your true purpose.

    Coaching Style: I provide individually tailored coaching to leaders and executives and their teams in a caring yet courageous environment; I use my leader’s heart and strategist’s mind, helping each client feel assured about their goals and be clear about their next steps to reach them! My coaching style is collaborative, supportive, and action-oriented. I work with you to identify your strengths, values, and aspirations and then help you create a plan of action to achieve your goals. I use a range of tools and techniques, including Clifton Strengths and the Birkman inventory, to help you gain clarity, overcome challenges, and achieve the results that you desire. I am committed to providing a safe and non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, challenge your assumptions, and develop new perspectives. My goal is to help you unleash your potential, maximize your performance, and live a life that is both fulfilling and meaningful.

    Visit my website here.

April Crull

Areas of Focus: Multicultural leadership. Non-profit team-building. Women leaders. Artists/Creatives. Discernment in transition. Starters (Entrepreneurs). Cultural adjustment. Personal development. Nonprofit Organizational Development. Spanish Speaking.

Location: North America (central time)

Languages: English and Spanish

  • More About Me: I am an ICF (International Coaching Federation) trained coach. I have worked on multicultural teams for twenty years both locally and virtually and am a serial non-profit entrepreneur. I have coached leaders from a variety of cultures in both English and Spanish. I am a certified Clifton Strengths Communicator, a Cultural Intelligence (CQ) trainer/coach, and a Human-centered Design facilitator.

    My Coaching Philosophy: I have a natural curiosity of everything around me and have always asked a lot of questions. In coaching, I’ve learned how to leverage those questions to assist others in enjoying themselves, the lives they live, and the people they lead.

    Coaching Style: I work well with people who literally feel stuck - in a place, in a problem, in a relationship, in themselves. My deep listening and incisive questions help you identify the subtext of your own life and decide your steps for moving in the direction you choose to go. I provide a non-anxious presence who helps you explore your own depths.

Carey Uhler

Areas of Focus: I equip clients using tools such as Immanuel Approach, as well as Strengthsfinder, and Enneagram, to help overcome blocks that get in the way of personal and relational growth.

Location: North America (Pacific Time)

Languages: English

  • More about me: My husband and I church planted with Communitas for 22 years in Europe. What a colorful, wonderful and at times difficult experience! Now, stateside, I have been training in emotional healing and trauma recovery. I, have been working with people recovering from addiction and trauma for the past 7 years. I’m branching out to help anyone with emotional or relational blocks to find freedom and a way to thrive.

    My coaching philosophy: I love helping people find healing and freedom.

    I have been using a healing modality called Immanuel Approach, which was birthed out of recent findings in neuroscience. I also use the Enneagram types which are helpful in guiding us quickly to an understanding of why we react to certain triggers or get stuck in negative thought patterns.

    Coaching style: A typical session starts with recall of a positive memory and deliberate appreciation, which taps into the parasympathetic (peaceful state) system, establishing a safe place to land when difficult memories pop up. This builds emotional capacity to visit painful memories if needed. We establish a positive interaction with Jesus/Holy Spirit and then see where He takes it. It’s usually very surprising and healing. Certain events in one’s life have created negative belief systems. These usually get identified, disarmed and replaced by powerful truths .

    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Westmont College.

    Certificates: Trauma Informed Art Therapy,

    Polyvagal-Focused and Sensorimotor Expressive arts Therapy,

    Immanuel Approach

    Positive Intelligence Coach Training (


    Thrive Today

    Trauma Informed Art Therapy,

    Polyvagal-Focused and Sensorimotor Expressive arts Therapy,

    Immanuel Approach

    Positive Intelligence Coaching

    Clifton Strengthsfinder


Eric Curtis

Areas of Focus: Leader Development and Coaching, Mission Partner Development (MPD) coaching, Sabbatical coaching, Business Review and Profitability coaching

Location: North America (Mountain Time)

Languages: English and German

  • More About Me: With experience in both realms, I love serving leaders in ministry and the marketplace. I serve as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer for Communitas International, as well as Chairman of the Board for European Christian Mission International-USA.

    I am an entrepreneur at heart, having developed and launched more than a dozen businesses since my teens. I have a BA in Communication and Geography from the University of Colorado, and an MBA with a focus on International Business from Colorado State. I am currently in the accreditation process with the International Coaching Federation.

    My favorite role is husband to Nicole and pops to Josh and Grace! I love skiing, reading, and travel.

    My Coaching Philosophy: My particular love is for developing leaders in mission and ministry, especially via sabbatical coaching. I desire to see the holistic development of leaders for more global Kingdom impact. As an entrepreneur, I also love business plan reviews and profitability analysis and coaching. Whether for-profit or non-profit, my coaching philosophy is focused on empowerment: helping you move in the direction of your next best steps.

    Coaching Style: The basis of coaching is asking powerful questions. I believe that with Holy Spirit’s guidance, you can determine the next steps you need to take in your life and leadership. My style of coaching is friendly, engaging, and deep. Expect to be challenged to expand your thinking and to focus on your unique strengths! I can’t wait to work with you… you have walked alone long enough.

    Visit my website here.

Solea Johnson

Areas of Focus:  Navigating Transitions, Living & Thriving Biculturally, Personal Development, Identifying & Moving Past What Holds you Back, Joyful Leadership, Building Vibrant Communities, Finding & Living Your True Heart and Calling, The Immanuel Lifestyle

Location: North America (Pacific Time)

Languages: English and Spanish

  • More about Me: My husband and I were church planters in Uruguay, South America among the upper middle class for 15 years. We raised our kids biculturally and developed heart connections with Uruguayans that continue to this day. As a church planter, my main focus was building relationships and much of this included the informal coaching of others.

    In 2014 we made an unexpected, permanent transition back to the U.S. and found ourselves in a U.S. church culture we didn’t recognize. This difficult and painful transition, which seemed like the loss of my dreams and calling, became the gateway to an even bigger calling to professional coaching. I am a Certified Professional Coach with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) and an ACC candidate with the ICF (International Coaching Federation).

    As a Certified Core Energy Coach, I help my clients identify the motivating thoughts and feelings that propel them through life. Together we increase those that serve the client’s goals, dreams and calling and we render helpless those that block them. The result–the ability to live from a level of engagement, connection and passion where goals and dreams are realized!!!

    My Coaching Philosophy: Compassionate and committed to supporting my clients as they discover and step into the dreams God has given them in all areas of their lives and ministry.