Who We Are

Communitas Coaching is a team of coaches from all over the world ready to help you increase your impact and achieve your goals.  Each of our trained coaches has personal experience in church planting and leadership. 

Our coaches provide impactful coaching experiences that are tailored to your specific objectives. Your coach will use proven coaching methods and tools to help you:

  • Uncover your strengths

  • Improve performance

  • Increase meaning and impact

  • Identify your blind spots

  • Overcome obstacles

  • Develop actionable strategies for achieving your goals.

We understand that finding the right coach can be challenging. That's why we've created a diverse network of coaches from all around the world, each with their own specialties, ranging from cross-cultural leadership and communication to health and quality of life.

If you're ready to move forward, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Why Coaching?

We believe that everyone can benefit from coaching. Whether you're a new church planter learning as you go, an executive looking to enhance your leadership skills, or an individual seeking personal growth and development, our coaches have the expertise to guide you toward your desired outcomes.

A study by the International Coaching Federation found that coaching has proven to increase resilience, capacity, and retention of staff.  It has also improved mindsets, purpose, and meaning, and decreased stress levels.  

Communitas Coaching wants this outcome for every individual!

  • In coaching the focus is on you. You set the agenda, based on your objectives. Your coach will help you achieve them by asking tough questions, fostering discovery, giving feedback, pointing out blind spots, and respectfully stretching you to develop in various areas. Coaching is a transformative process. When you enter a coaching relationship you are committing to making a positive impact on your life.

  • Coaching is a partnership between you and your coach that seeks to encourage your own self-discovery and deeper self-awareness, so that you can generate solutions and strategies for your most pressing issues. Your coach will guide you to develop a plan of action, and provide accountability to your own values and goals.

    Coaching is not consulting, mentoring, training, or counseling. It is a relationship of equals where accountability for moving forward lies with the client (you) and responsibility for providing the insightful, meaningful and challenging support lies with the coach.

  • Implement church planting strategies

    Support leaders through challenges specific to church planting

    Clarify your goals and priorities

    Increase follow-through

    Develop new skills

    Navigate team dynamics

    Become a more effective leader

    Capitalize on your strengths

    Overcome weaknesses

    Expand your comfort zone

    Improve your thinking

    Eliminate limiting beliefs

    Develop empowering habits and rituals

    Strengthen your core values

    Tend to areas of your wellbeing

    Improve your ability to learn from mistakes and failure

    Upgrade your social skills and strengthen your relationships

    Develop or update your Ministry Action Plan

    Raise funds for your project or ministry

How it works

Because we care so much about people flourishing, we offer coaching at a reduced rate, while still holding our coaches to a high standard of excellence and continuing education. We are offering a discounted rate of $50/session.

  1. Check out our Coaches page to find the perfect coach for you.

  2. Hit the Contact button in their bio to set up an appointment.

  3. Your coach will respond to get you started.

  4. That’s it!